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Вы здесь » Кладовка » Тексты » Ninety One - ескi таспа биi Text audio

Ninety One - ескi таспа биi Text audio

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Text Kz.
Байланған тілім сөйлемейді,
Айналама неге сенбеймін мен?
Кімге кіммін? Білмеймін, бермейді бір мұң тыным,
Бермейді тыным мұңның үні күні-түні

Ескі таспа жиі жүрегімде ойнауда-уақыт ескертпейді,
Ескі таспа биі-көрінуде айнадан,
Уақыт жеткізбейді сенің алдыңа

Сол бір күн(үнің əлі дəрідей-нəрімен емдейді бəрін де)
Сол бір түн(үнің əлі дəрідей-нəрімен емдейді бəрін де)

Бейнеленбейтін тұңғиықта
Жетпеймін жауабына бір сұрақтың:
Кімге кіммін? Білмеймін, бермейді бір мұң тыным,
Бермейді тыным мұңның үні күні-түні

Ескі таспа жиі жүрегімде ойнауда,
Уақыт ескертпейді...
Ескі таспа биі көрінуде айнадан-уақыт жеткізбейді сенің алдыңа

Сол бір күн(үнің əлі дəрідей-нəрімен емдейді бəрін де)
Сол бір түн(үнің əлі дəрідей-нəрімен емдейді бəрін де)

Төгіледі қиял сиямен-ұям мида,
Керегі баяғы "ұяң мен",
Яғни:мен артқа қайтамын-пайда қайда,
Мұнда уақыт пен мен,дайында майдан!

Ескі таспа жиі-жиі жүректе ойнап:"менен қашпа!",-дейді
Шаң басқан күйін қарап, іштей күйемін, бетін сүрткім келеді, бірақ кетпейді күйе!
Енді, неге жүрмін сүйреп бақыттың өлігін?!
Дереу керек маған уақыт көлігі
Сыбыр айқайдан анық, оны байқамай қалдым,
Онда шыншыл көздер, қазір күлкім өзгерді

Керек көмек-түнек жүректе,
Тек үндеме, "өткенге" күнде мен өздігіммен енемін,
Менен дем кетеді неге "сен" дегенде тек, а?

Text Ru.
Язык заплетается, я будто онемел,
Почему мое окружение кажется лживым?
Кем я являюсь им? Я даже незнаю, какая-то грусть не дает мне покоя,
Эта грусть не дает мне покоя днями и ночами.
Старая пластинка заела в моем сердце,
Время не предупреждает...
Я вижу танец старой пластинки через зеркало,
Время не даст дотронуться до тебя....
Alem/Bala п/в:
Те самые дни(твоя музыка до сих пор лечит все мои раны)
Те самые ночи(твоя музыка до сих пор лечит все мои раны)
В неопесуемой бездне,
Я не могу дойти до ответа на один вопрос:
"Кто я?" Я незнаю, какая-то грусть не дает мне покоя,
Эта грусть не дает мне покоя днями и ночами.
Старая пластинка заела в моем сердце,
Время не предупреждает...
Я вижу танец старой пластинки через зеркало,
Время не даст дотронуться до тебя....
Alem/Bala п/в:
Те самые дни(твоя музыка до сих пор лечит все мои раны)
Те самые ночи(твоя музыка до сих пор лечит все мои раны)
Воображение лъеться через чернилы:
Мой дом в голове, мне нужен :"старый/обычный Я"
То есть: я возвращаюсь назад, но что толку?
Здесь только Я против Времени, готовьте поле битвы!
Старая пластинка все чаще играет в моем сердце и не дает мне убежать,
Я вижу её пыльное состояние и сгораю изнутри,
Хочу протереть её, но пятна не выводятся,
И почему теперь я должен таскать за собой труп счастья?
Мне срочно нужна машина времени,
Шепот был ярче крика, но я и не заметил этого,
Там были правдивые глаза, а сейчас я поменялся в улыбке,
Эй, мне нужна помощь, в моем сердце ночлег тьмы,
Только не говори ничего, я лезу в прошлое каждый раз, по своему желанию,
И почему же каждый раз, когда речь заходит о тебе, мое дыхание останавливается...?

Text Eng.
I got tongue-tied as if I numb
why my environment seems deceitful.
Who am I? I do not even know what sadness does not give me peace,
that sadness haunts me day and night.
The old broken record in my heart,
Time does not warn ...
I see the dance of the old record through the mirror;
Time will not let you touch....
Alem/Bala chorus:
Those very days (your music still heals all my wounds)
Those very nights (your music still heals all my wounds)
In the inexplicable abyss,
I cannot get to the answer:
Who am I? I do not even know what sadness does not give me peace,
that sadness haunts me day and night.
The old broken record in my heart,
Time does not warn ...
I see the dance of the old record through the mirror;
Time will not let you touch....
Those very days (your music still heals all my wounds)
Those very nights (your music still heals all my wounds)
Imagination pours through the ink - my house is in my head,
All I need is "old, ordinary ME"
I go back, but what is the point?
Here only I am against the time, prepare the battlefield!
The old record increasingly plays in my heart and does not let me escape,
I burn out from the inside when I see it’s dusty condition,
I want to wipe it, but the stains are not removed,
And why now should I carry the corpse of happiness?
I urgently need a time machine.
The whisper was brighter than shouting, but I did not notice it.
There were truthful eyes, and now I have changed in a smile;
Hey, I need help, in my heart a lodging for the darkness,
Just do not say anything, every time I climb into the past at will,
And why every time when it comes to you, my breathing stops ...?



Metadoro Review – Facts About Metadoro.com Trading Scam
AUG 6, 2022  Forex Scam, Online Trading Scam, Scam Warning, Unregulated Scam Broker
Metadoro Review
Metadoro broker is a relatively old market player. However, the owner has been active since 2016, meaning there were probably other illicit brands as well.

Read our Metadoro review and you will find out the truth. We warn you that you might not like it.

Also, we want to invite you to read our updated GMT Trading, FTSFX and Crypto1Capital scam broker reviews. For those unaware, their investment offers are too good to be true!

Broker Status: Unregulated Scam Broker
Broker Regulation: Unlicensed Forex Provider / No Regulation
Scammers Websites: metadoro.com
Operating Status: Active Forex Trading Scam
Blacklisted as a Scam by: NSSMC
Broker Owner: RHC Investments
Headquarters Country: Mauritius
Foundation Year: 2019
Trading Platforms: MT4 / MT5
Mobile Trading: Available
Minimum Deposit: $20
Deposit Bonus: Available
Crypto Trading: Available
CFD Trading: Yes, you can trade CFDs
Trading Instruments: Forex / Commodities / Indices / Shares / Cryptocurrencies (Crypto)
Maximum Leverage: 1:500
Islamic Account: Not Available
Demo Account: Yes
Accepts US Clients: US traders are accepted
Global Fraud Protection Team: Don’t Invest in This Scam Broker!

Is Metadoro a Scam Broker?
Metadoro Forex brand is owned by RHC Investments, registered in 2016 in Mauritius. However, the Financial Services Commission belongs to a Tier 3 regulatory zone and doesn’t keep such good records. For instance, there are no domains that RHC Investments uses. This means that metadoro.com might or might not be owned by this trading firm.

Even with Metadoro’s regulation by the FSC, there are many issues. This regulatory body doesn’t obligate Forex and CFD trading firms to have compensation funds.

Basically, your broker can vanish, and the regulator won’t be able to reimburse you. Note that a Tier 3 license is worth nothing without Tier 1 regulation by the FCA, ASIC, BaFin, or similar firm authority bodies.

Watch Metadoro Video Review Before Investing
Metadoro is an offshore brokerage, based in Mauritius. The firm has only offshore license.

The broker was blacklisted by the Ukrainian regulator.

Scam Warnings Against Metadoro.com Broker
As official confirmation of the Metadoro trading scam, we got a warning from Ukraine.

Metadoro Scam Warning
The National Securities and Stock Market Commission announced that the broker is questionable, and many complaints have been filed against it.

Now you know that we were right all along. Metadoro is not an honest trading service provider.

Where Is Metadoro Trading Scam Active?
The broker Metadoro has been active since September 2019 and mainly operates in:

In addition, we recommend excluding FinsRoyal, Capital Forex Live and WalFlo from your list of potential brokers for trading.

How Does This Scam Broker Find Victims?
Fraudulent firms have sophisticated MO. They’re advertising on Google, Facebook, and Instagram, waiting for people to hook up and provide personal details. Once you do, you will be a victim of constant phone calls and repeated emails, each containing new promotions.

In the end, if you make a deposit, your account manager may add you to a private Telegram group where you will receive trading signals only for the chosen ones.

Don’t fall for it. There are no special signals.

Metadoro ECN MetaTrader 5 Platform
Metadoro Trading Platform Interface
Metadoro’s trading platform choice is the only light thing in this entire review. The firm offers MT5 and MT4, the best of the best this industry has. MetaTrader5 is a successor to MT4 and has more indicators and charts. Any professional trader would definitely be satisfied with this software.

If you decide to trade on MT5, you will get ECN trading. ECN brokers use electronic communications networks to enable customers to participate in the financial market.

Basically, the broker is just a connection between a customer and a liquidity provider and takes a commission.

NDD MetaTrader 4 Trading Platform
Another terrific platform this firm provides is MT4. It’s an older version of MetaTrader but still preferred by 80% of market players. If you choose MT4, you will participate in NDD trading. NDD or no dealing desk means that traders are in the market directly against the brokerage, and there’s no middle man.

Unlike ECN trading, the broker acts as a liquidity provider and takes profit in case of clients’ losses.

Can I Download the MT4 Mobile Trading App?
Metadoro login is enabled through MT4 and MT5 mobile apps. Both of these platforms have Android and iOS apps, making the trading process easier.

What Products Does Metadoro Offer?
Metadoro offers trading in all major markets, including:

Forex (Currency Pairs) such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD or CAD/JPY
Indices – Dow Jones, NASDAQ, FTSE 100
Shares – Amazon, Apple, Google
Commodities – Gold, Oil and Silver
Cryptocurrencies (Cryptos) such as BTC, ETH and XRP
Fees and Spreads
The company advertises tight spreads starting from 0.1 pips, which is really good. On the other hand, commission starts from 0.004%, which is another great thing.

Or it would be if the firm was not unregulated. Illicit brokers often offer lower trading costs just to get ahold of your funds and disappear with them.

Can I Trade With a Metadoro Demo Account?
Upon registration, you will be offered a Metadoro Demo account. Customers have $100 to trade with for the first 7 days.

However, this is another lure. You will feel more comfortable investing your funds if you see profits on the screen. And when you need to withdraw your real funds, this is where the struggle will begin.

How Do I Withdraw Money From Metadoro?
Allegedly, Metadoro withdrawal is available using:

Debit / Credit Cards
Wire Transfer
However, the company has few clauses. Firstly, the company reserves the right to charge deposit fees and 3% of the withdrawal amount if you request a withdrawal without trading since your last deposit.

In addition, if you accept bonuses, you cannot withdraw your funds before reaching a minimum trading volume.

Is Metadoro Deposit Bonus Available?
Metadoro bonus is available as a trading benefit. Customers get $100 on the registration that can be used to test the system.

However, you cannot withdraw profits even if you deposited your funds before reaching an unspecified minimum trading volume.

What About the Welcome Bonus?
Even if you don’t make a Metadoro minimum deposit of $20, you’re entitled to a $100 welcome bonus.

I Lost Money With a Metadoro Scam, What to Do?
If you or someone close to you falls for a Metadoro scam, let us know. Global Fraud Protection has the means and tools to help you file a dispute for a chargeback and get your money back.

It’s essential to act quickly. Contact us via online chat to book a free consultation, and let’s get your money back before it’s too late.

All In All, Don’t Let the Scammers Get Away for Free!
Get Your Money Back
FAQ Section:
What Is Metadoro, and Should I Invest Money In It?
Metadoro is an online Forex and CFD trading provider based offshore. If you have been scammed by this illicit broker, contact us for help with a refund.

Does Metadoro Offer a Demo Account?
Broker Metadoro offers a Demo account with a $100 for the first seven days.

What Is the Metadoro Minimum Deposit?
Metadoro has a relatively low minimum deposit of $20. It doesn’t mean you should risk your money.

Can I Trade Cryptos and CFDs With a Metadoro Broker?
Yes, you can trade crypto and CFDs with Metadoro, but we don’t recommend it.

Is Metadoro a MetaTrader 4 Forex Broker?
Yes, Metadoro offers both MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 to its customers.

Fill out the form below and get a FREE consultation today. (If you lost more than $5,000, please use the chat).

Name of Scammer

Amount Lost

Year of First Payment

Payment Method
Please tell us what happened
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